Friday, September 2, 2011

Maci's 5k Fridays

In August, Maci & I participated in 5k Fridays to benefit the other displaced animals that Lost Dog Rescue helps to find their forever home. Here are some highlights:

After parking the car we head to the race area to get set up. 

We waited patiently to pick up our race bibs. 

 We got our bibs and started to get ready to race. 


Maci had her own timing piece!

Switching her from her leash to a harness. 

Get our buddy system all set. 

We're ready to run!

Good girl waiting for the line up to begin. 

Ready, set, go!

And we're off!

Maci kept me motivated. Every time I started to slow down she rubbed her head on my hand and bit her leash a bit as if to say, "no, let's go, you can do it"

Just about to cross the finish line. The sun completely set during our run. 


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