Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Hanging out In her Favorite Spot (the couch)

Pretty girl!

Trying to nap but I won't leave her alone.

Starting to fall asleep. 

Evil eye - "you woke me up for this?!"

Yawning in my face as if to prove a point that she REALLY wants to take a nap. 

Being Silly

AH! The camera flash is bright!

Silly face. 

Being sneaky. She's allowed on the couch IF she's on her blanket...notice she's still touching it as if to say "I'm on it, can't get in trouble!"

Weekend Relaxation

Napping on her bed. 

Loving on her bento ball!

Bonding over watching birds and squirrels (Leena Cat & Maci Pup)

Favorite lazy spot - stretched out on the couch!

AM Ritual

After her AM potty time, she always takes a cat nap on the couch while we get ready to take her out for a game of fetch (with her favorite soccer balls). 

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sibling Time

Leena didn't want to share the window and put up a big stink. Clearly she's the boss since Maci laid down to obey her older sister.